Project Management in State Authorities of Subjects of The Russian Federation: Development Factors and Resources

Inna Miroshnichenko, Maria Tereshina, Laura Shpiro


The article describes the Russian experience in the implementation and development of the project approach in the public administration system at the federal and regional levels. The authors characterize the two-level institutional design of the project management system in the Russian Federation in the form of strategic design and project management. At the same time, the authors note that the greatest variability and riskiness is represented by the project management subsystem, which at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a poly-variate character. Based on the results of the empirical study, the authors have identified the factors of an institutional and subjective nature that affect the success of the implementation of project management in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors also describe a set of resources for the development of a project approach in regional authorities and local self-governments of the Russian Federation: political and administrative, socio-economic, communication-network, personnel.


Project Management; Government Bodies; Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation; Institutional and Subjective Factors of Development

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DOI: 10.7250/scee.2021.0005


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