Entrepreneurship in The System of Resources for The Urban Agglomeration Development: The Case of Krasnodar City Agglomeration

Alexey Kolba, Maria Tereshina


Entrepreneurs, as a rule, are one of the significant subjects in the urban agglomeration development. Agglomeration effects create new business opportunities. However, analysis of specific situations does not always confirm these theoretical provisions. The results of the study conducted by the authors in the form of an expert survey to identify the problems and resources of the development of Krasnodar city agglomeration show that the development business is the most active participant and stakeholder in this project. At the same time, companies operating in this area prefer not to take their interests into the public space, but to implement them as part of lobbying activities at the level of regional authorities and municipalities. The interests of entrepreneurs representing other sectors of the economy are latent, and entrepreneurs, being potential beneficiaries of the systemic agglomeration development project, at this stage do not act as an independent entity. Opportunities and risks for most entrepreneurial structures (primarily small and medium-sized businesses) are not aggregated and articulated, which does not allow them to become a driver of agglomeration processes.


Krasnodar city agglomeration; Entrepreneurship; Business; Development; Public policy; Lobbying

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DOI: 10.7250/scee.2021.0002


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