Development of Tourism in Ukraine: Trends and Factors that Create the Negative Image

Iryna Karabaza, Tetiana Kozhukhova, Natalia Ivanova


The purpose of the article is to substantiate trends in the tourism activities in Ukraine and factors that create the negative image. The research is based on the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis (while summarizing the factors that form the negative image of Ukraine and reduce its economic security); comparative analysis (while identifying the trends of tourism activity development in Ukraine during 2011-2017); statistical analysis (while studying the dynamics of the tourism industry in Ukraine during 2014-2017). As a result of the study, the trends of tourism activity development in Ukraine during 2011-2017 have been determined. The factors that form the negative image of Ukraine and reduce its economic security have been determined. The implementation of strategic measures for the development of the Ukrainian tourism industry will create a positive image of the country, stimulate the development of tourism in Ukraine, formation of attractive investment environment and strengthening of the country’s economic security.


Image; Tourism; Tourist activity; Factors.

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DOI: 10.7250/scee.2019.006


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Copyright (c) 2019 Iryna Karabaza, Tetiana Kozhukhova, Natalia Ivanova

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