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The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering
ISSN: 1822-427X / eISSN: 1822-4288
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering publishes original research, reviews and reports that seek to improve engineering practices.
The papers published in The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering are indexed/abstracted by:
• SCOPUS (Elsevier Bibliographic Database),
• Science Citation Index Expanded (ISI Web of Science),
• Cabell's Journalytics,
• DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals),
• ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus International),
• IET Inspec (Database of Institution of Engineering and Technology),
• Current Abstracts, TOC Premier (EBSCO Publishing),
• TRIS (Transportation Research Information Services),
• VINITI (All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences).
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Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly
The aim of the journal is to publish peer reviewed original research papers reporting on studies of the structure, algorithms, behavior, and interactions of natural, social, socio-technical, and artificial systems that store, process, access, and communicate information.
It concerns data, information, and knowledge fundamentals, models, and management from the points of view of their discovery, engineering, and application.
The journal does not collect any Article Processing Charges (APC) for manuscript processing, editing, publishing and archiving. There are no fees associated with article downloads.
ISSN: 2255-9922; Open Access
Editor in Chief: |
Anders Flodström Anders Flodström is the former GB member and vice-Chairman for the European Institute of Innovation Technology. He was a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden from 1985 to 2020, and the President at KTH (1999-2008); has worked as a research fellow at Xerox PARC in Palo Alto and has been a guest professor at HASYlab in Hamburg, at NIST in Gaithersburg and at Stanford University. He has written about 300 peer reviewed scientific papers and books; has supervised and graduated 40 PhDs, his H index is 38. He has been the Secretary General of the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences and the CEO of the KK; is a member of the Swedish Academy for the Engineering Sciences and of the Swedish Engineering Academy in Finland. He is an honorary doctor at Riga Technical, Aalto, and Bisqet Technical universities and an honorary professor at Dalian University of Technology and Zhe Jiang University; is an advisory Board member of Tallinn Technical University and an external Board Member of the The Board of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Luleå Technical University, Sweden. |
Area Editors: |
Kurt Sandkuhl, ORCID, Rostock University, Germany - Social, Socio-technical, Organization and Business Informatics |
Oscar Pastor, ORCID, Politechnical University of Valencia, Spain and Janis Grundspenkis, ORCID, Riga Technical University, Latvia - High Complexity Information Systems Engineering |
Barbara Catania, University of Genova, Italy and Tadeusz Morzy, Poznan University of Technology, Poland - Data and Knowledge Analytics |
Witold Andrzejewski, ORCID, Poznan University of Technology, Poland – Supercomputing |
Managing Editor's contact information: |
Marite Kirikova, ORCID, Riga Technical University, Latvia - [email protected], tel. +371 26188383 |
Submission is open continuously PUBLICATION FREQUENCY: 4 issues per year (March/April; June/July; September/October; December/January) |
ABSTRACTED AND/OR INDEXED: Scopus, DOAJ, ROAD, J4F, WorldCat, DBLP, NSD, EBSCO, ResearchGate, Sherpa Romeo
CSIMQ profile on GoogleScholar
Journal search: Alternative keywords: "Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly", "CSIMQ", "J. Complex Syst. Inform. Model. Q."
Article information: All article publishing details (starting with Issue 9, also including how to cite the article) are available on the first page of each article.
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Applied Computer Systems
The Journal “Applied Computer Systems” is an open access scientific journal published biannually in May and December. The journal serves for experience generation in computer science and information technologies use in different applications and is a source of information for the industry practitioners, for academic personnel and students.
The journal publishes research papers describing new results, original ideas and applications or reports on the development and maintenance of actual systems addressing issues concerning theory, development, management and applications of advanced applied computer science.
The topics covered by the journal are:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Applications
- Data
- Information Technology and Systems
- Programming Technologies
- Software Engineering
Besides, the reader will find papers on conception of framework for automated creation of graph visualisation systems, theoretical basis and practical usage of simulation for creating solutions for data management systems, modelling of software systems and business processes, comparison of programming languages, intelligent tutoring systems, semantic web development, applications of cloud-based services, issues of dynamic wireless networks, as well as surveys and papers focused on different other specific topics.
The aim of the publishers is to encourage the applied research by granting free publication possibilities to professionals in the software field, young scientists and doctoral students.
The authors of articles are researchers from various educational and research institutions and companies not only from different European countries, but also from Africa, North and South America, Asia and Australia.
Co-Editors-in-Chief |
Professor Jānis Grundspeņķis, Dr. habil. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Professor Oksana Ņikiforova, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Editorial Board |
Professor Guntis Arnicāns, Dr. sc. comp., University of Latvia, Latvia |
Professor Guntis Bārzdiņš, Dr. sc. comp., University of Latvia, Latvia |
Professor Jānis Bārzdiṇš, Dr. habil. sc. comp., University of Latvia, Latvia |
Professor Juris Borzovs, Dr. habil. sc. comp., University of Latvia, Latvia |
Professor Gintautas Dzemyda, Dr. habil., Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Professor Dalė Dzemydienė, Dr., Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Associate professor Nuno M. Garcia, PhD, University of Beira Interior, Portugal |
Senior researcher Hele-Mai Haav, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Professor Zbigniew Huzar, Dr. hab. inż., Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland |
Associate professor Saša Lazarević, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Associate professor Henry Linger, PhD, Monash University, Australia |
Professor Chu Kiong Loo, PhD, University of Malaya, Malaysia |
Researcher Audronė Lupeikienė, Dr., Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Senior researcher Virginijus Marcinkevičius, Dr., Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Professor Zhou Mingtao, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing Hope Software Co., Ltd., China |
Professor Mohammed El Mohajir, PhD, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco |
Professor Eduard Petlenkov, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Assistant professor Dušan Savić, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Professor Miloš Stojmenović, PhD, Singidunum University, Serbia |
Professor Jaak Tepandi, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Researcher Chandu Thota, PhD, University of Nicosia, Cyprus |
Professor Tzvetomir Vassilev, Dr., "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Bulgaria |
Professor Wita Wojtkowski, PhD, Boise State University, USA |
Abstracting & Indexing: ACM Digital Library, Baidu Scholar, Cabell's Whitelist, CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), CNPIEC - cnpLINKer, Dimensions, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO, Engineering Village, ExLibris, Google Scholar, Inspec, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), J-Gate, JournalGuide, JournalTOCs, KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders), MyScienceWork, Naver Academic, Naviga (Softweco), QOAM (Quality Open Access Market), ReadCube, SCILIT, Semantic Scholar, Sherpa/RoMEO, TDNet, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb, WanFang Data, Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index, WorldCat (OCLC), X-MOL.
Please submit the full text of the paper here.
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CONECT. International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies
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Environmental and Climate Technologies
Environmental and Climate Technologies is an Open Access scientific Journal published by Riga Technical University.
Manuscripts for Environmental and Climate Technologies should be submitted online at ect-journals.rtu.lv. The submitter, who is often the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. To submit your manuscript, you must be registered as Author. If you do not already have an account, please click REGISTER on the top of the page. Once you have registered, click LOGIN and start new submission. You will be guided through all the necessary steps for new paper submission. Do not forget to click the Upload button once you attached the Word file.
All issues of Environmental and Climate Technologies are available here: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/rtuect/rtuect-overview.xml
The Journal ensures international publicity for original research and innovative work. Journal can also provide special issues with Conferences. Special issue and conditions needs to be discussed prior the Conference. For more details, please, contact us via e-mail [email protected]
A variety of themes are covered through a multi-disciplinary approach which integrates all aspects of environmental science:
- Bioeconomy and low carbon development
- Biofuels and alternative fuels
- Energy and carbon markets
- Energy and environmental modelling
- Energy efficiency improvement
- Energy management, policy and economics
- Green transport systems
- Heat and power generation, incl. district heating and/or cooling
- Pollution prevention
- Renewable energy
- Resilience
- Resource efficiency, circular economy and ecodesign
- Smart energy and zero carbon technologies
- System approach integration in energy sector
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The Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University - Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering
The aim of the Journal of Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTU-ECCE Journal) is to provide an on-line forum for scientific discussions and feedbacks from the scientific society to particular scientists from all over the world on their later scientific achievements in the below mentioned fields. The journal considers publication of all authors, but gives preference to the post-conference papers after one of the following events (International Scientific Conferences on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University - RTUCON, Workshops on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering – AIEEE, International Doctoral School of Electrical Energy Conversion and Saving Technologies of Riga Technical University, Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology of TalTech), as well as the papers recommended by section editors of the journal. The submissions are reviewed, edited and published in the mentioned priority order.
The scope of RTU-ECCE journal includes (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics:
1) Electrical machines, Apparatus, Drives, Motion Control and Robotics;
2) Components, Design and Application of Power Electronic Converters;
3) Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference of Electrical Equipment;
4) Electrical Materials, Reliability and Diagnostics;
5) Medical and other Bio-contact Electrical Equipment.
- Power and Energy Systems:
1) Power System Control, Automation, Stability and Protection;
2) Power Quality and Reliability;
3) Power Plants, Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems;
4) Power System Planning, Management, Economic Evaluation and Risk Assessment;
5) Electricity Market;
6) Smart Grids & Microgrids.
- Information Processing in the context of Electrical and Power Engineering
1) Electronic Circuits and Systems for Control Applications;
2) Control Theory, Analysis, Simulation and Implementation Software;
3) Principles of Physical Transmission and Processing of Information, New Interfaces and Protocols.
- Microwave Technique and Antennas
1) Theory, Analysis and Simulation of Microwave Technique;
2) Software and Experimental Methods Dedicated for Microwave Equipment;
3) Antennas, Radar Systems and other Microwave Applications.
The editorial board of RTU-ECCE Journal is always open for discussion on the journal topics.View Journal | Current Issue | Register
Information Technology and Management Science
Information Technology and Management Science is a scientific journal of the Information Technology Institute of Riga Technical University. The journal is published annually at the end of the year in November/December. The main areas covered are management information systems, intelligent computer technologies, data mining, modelling and simulation, information processing methods, management science, sensors, networks and IoT, signal processing and nonlinera dynamics, communication systems and other related topics.
Editor-in-Chief |
Jānis Grabis, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Editorial Board |
Gintautas Dzemyda, Dr. habil. sc. ing., Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Jurijs Merkurjevs, Dr. habil. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Gaļina Merkurjeva, Dr. habil. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Anna Litviņenko, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Pēteris Rivža, Dr. habil. sc. ing., Latvian University of Agriculture, Latvia |
Sergejs Paršutins, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Agostino G. Bruzzone, Dr., University of Genoa, Italy |
Māris Buiķis, Dr. math., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Gerrit K. Janssens, Dr. sc. comp., Hasselt University, Belgium |
Andrejs Matvejevs, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Miquel A. Piera, Dr., Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain |
Hendrik Van Landeghem, Dr. ir., Ghent University, Belgium |
Jeļena Pečerska, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Andrejs Romānovs, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Hannu T. Toivonen, Dr., Åbo Akademi University, Finland Dmitrijs Pikuļins, Dr. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Managing Editors |
Tatjana Zmanovska, Mg. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Gaļina Kuļešova, Mg. sc. ing., Riga Technical University, Latvia |
ABSTRACTED & INDEXED: Baidu Scholar, Cabell’s Directory, CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), CNPIEC, Dimensions, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO (relevant databases), EBSCO Discovery Service, EconBiz, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), J-Gate, JournalGuide, JournalTOCs, KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders), Microsoft Academic, Naviga (Softweco), Primo Central (ExLibris), Publons, ReadCube, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Sherpa/RoMEO, Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest), TDNet, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/Ulrich web, WanFang Data, WorldCat (OCLC)
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Economics and Business
Economics and Bussines scientific journal is published in cooperation with Sciendo.
The journal articles focus on general national economic development problems in Latvia as well as specific areas of economic activities researching factors which promote or hamper economic development. The authors of the articles are academics and doctoral students of RTU.
Editor-in-Chief |
Remigijs Počs, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Editorial Board |
Dr. oec., Elīna Gaile-Sarkane, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Dr. oec., Ineta Geipele, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Dr. oec., Tatjana Volkova, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia |
Dr. habil. eng., Piotr Grudowski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland |
Dr., Cezary Kościelniak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland |
Dr. oec., Nataļja Lāce, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Dr. oec., Inga Lapiņa, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Dr., Hana Loštakova, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic |
Dr., David J. Pollard, Leeds Metropolian University, United Kingdom |
Dr. oec., Olha Prokopenko, Sumy State University, Ukraine |
Dr. oec., Leonid Melnyk, Sumy State University, Ukraine |
Dr. oec., Ivan Potravny, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia |
Dr., Asta Savanevičienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lihuania |
Dr., Manuela Tvaronaviciene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lihuania |
Managing Editor |
Dr. oec., Tatjana Tambovceva, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
ABSTRACTED & INDEXED: Baidu Scholar; Cabell's Directory; CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities); CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure); CNPIEC - cnpLINKer; Dimensions; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); EBSCO (relevant databases); EBSCO Discovery Service; EconBiz; Google Scholar; J-Gate; JournalTOCs; KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders); Microsoft Academic; Naviga (Softweco); Primo Central (ExLibris); ProQuest (relevant databases); Publons; QOAM (Quality Open Access Market); ReadCube; Referativnyi Zhurnal (VINITI); Research Papers in Economics (RePEc); Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest); TDNet; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb; WanFang Data; WorldCat (OCLC)
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Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management
Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management scientific journal is published in cooperation with Sciendo.
Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management is a peer-reviewed journal published by RTU in collaboration with two partner universities of Riga Technical University in the Baltic Region – Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania).
The objectives of the journal are to extend the fundamental knowledge of real estate market and civil construction and to provide information that would help the industry practitioners and entrepreneurs, as well as academic staff to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of real estate and construction market.
Fundamental research of the journal reflects diverse research results concerning real estate sector, related sectors and interacting branches of science in the context of contemporary market development, and that allows classifying the journal in the category of interdisciplinary scientific journals. We invite the interested parties to publish their articles in the journal, reflecting the topical research that would be useful for making business decisions in such areas as sustainable development and management of sound environment, devoting special attention to real estate and construction market analyses and assessment.
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Architecture and Urban Planning
The annual Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University, Architecture and Urban Planning reflects most of the research themes and content of global and local problems in the regional context not only of Baltic Sea area, but also other regions in Europe, Asia, North and South America. The authors of articles are researchers and PhD students.
The Scientific Journal publishes articles Ahead of Print during the year and closes the issue in December.
The journal is focused on:
- History of Architecture and Urbanism
- Preservation and Development of Cultural Heritage
- Theories and Criticism of Architecture and Urbanism
- Local and Global Tendencies in Architecture and Urban Planning
- Sustainable Architecture and Urban Environment
- Landscape Architecture
Information presented in the journal may be useful in professional creative work of architects, urban planners, as well as to institutions responsible for preservation and protection of cultural heritage.
The Journal is published by Riga Technical University in cooperation with Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Association of Architects.
The Editorial board members are academics and researchers from Northern and Eastern Europe and from US. Architecture and Urban Planning is an Open Access journal. There are no article processing charges. We provide comprehensive, double-blind peer review.
The Open Journal platform ensures article submission and processing, while the full information on current Issues, news and guidelines can be found on Sciendo platform:
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Inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsture
RTU Inženierzinātņu vēstures pētniecības centra ikgadējais zinātniskais žurnāls «Inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsture» iznāk kopš 2017. gada. Zinātniskajā žurnālā tiek publicēti pētījumi par inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsturi, nozīmīgām personībām un viņu devumu inženierzinātņu vēsturē Latvijā un pasaulē.
Zinātniskā žurnāla galvenie pētījumi virzieni: tehniskās augstskolas; politehniķi; izgudrotāji; inženieri; izgudrojumi; inženierzinātnes; humanitārās zinātnes tehniskajās augstskolās; izglītības, manufaktūru un dizaina sinerģija; Rīgas Politehnikuma, Rīgas Politehniskā institūta un Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes vēsture.
Zinātniskā žurnāla pielikumā tiek pievienota studiju gada hronoloģija un atvadu vārdi mūžībā aizgājušajiem ilggadējiem RTU zinātniekiem mācībspēkiem.
Kopš 2018. gada žurnāls pieejams latviešu un angļu valodā. Žurnāls angļu valodā «History of Engineering Sciences and Institutions of Higher Education» ir indeksēts ERIH PLUS datubāzē.
Zinātniskā žurnāla redakcija izsaka lielu paldies par sadarbību: Madonas novadpētniecības un mākslas muzejam, Tukuma muzejam, Rīgas Vēstures un kuģniecības muzejam, Latvijas Arhitektūras muzejam, Latvijas Nacionālajam arhīvam, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskajai bibliotēkai, Latvijas Krievu kultūras mantojuma institūtam, Igaunijas Arhitektūras muzejam, Latvijas Universitātei, Kauņas Vītauta Dižā Universitātes Letonikas centram, Ukrainas Nacionālās agrārās zinātņu akadēmijai.
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History of Engineering Sciences and Institutions of Higher Education
The annual scientific journal «History of Engineering Sciences and Institutions of Higher Education» of Riga Technical University has been published since 2018. The scientific journal publishes research on the history of engineering sciences and universities, significant personalities and their contribution to the history of engineering sciences in Latvia and the world.
Research fields of the scientific journal: technical universities; polytechnicians; inventors; engineers; inventions; engineering sciences; humanities at technical universities; synergy of education; manufacture and design; innovations; history of Riga Polytechnicum; Riga Polytechnic Institute and Riga Technical University.
The chronology of the study year of RTU and the In memoriam chapter are added at the end of the each annual scientific journal issue.
Since 2018, journal is available in Latvian and English.
The editorial board of the scientific journal would like to thank you very much for your cooperation: Madona Local History and Art Museum, Tukums Museum, Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, The Latvian Museum of Architecture, Latvian National Archives, RTU Scientific Library, Institute of Russian Cultural Heritage of Latvia, Estonian Museum of Architecture, University of Latvia, Centre of Letonics of Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
The papers published in History of Engineering Sciences and Institutions of Higher Education are indexed/abstracted by:
EBSCO (Central & Eastern European Academic Source)
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Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship Proceedings
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Transport and Aerospace Engineering
Discontinued publication in 2020.
Transport and Aerospace Engineering is a peer-reviewed journal that covers wide range of issues in the field of Aerospace engineering and transport.
The journal comprises articles on the latest practical as well as theoretical studies and experiments in the transport sector, particularly in aerospace engineering, paying special attention to the reports which have significant practical importance.
ABSTRACTING & INDEXINGTransport and Aerospace Engineering is covered by the following services:
Baidu Scholar; CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure); CNPIEC - cnpLINKer; Dimensions; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); EBSCO (relevant databases); EBSCO Discovery Service; Engineering Village; Google Scholar; Inspec; Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); J-Gate; JournalTOCs; KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders); Microsoft Academic; MyScienceWork; Naver Academic; Naviga (Softweco); Paperbase; Pirabase; Polymer Library; Primo Central (ExLibris); ProQuest (relevant databases); Publons; QOAM (Quality Open Access Market); ReadCube; Semantic Scholar; Summon (ProQuest); TDNet; TEMA Technik und Management; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb; WanFang Data; WorldCat (OCLC)
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Power and Electrical Engineering
Discontinued publication in 2017.
Journal of Power and Electrical Engineering is an international open access journal in the field of Power and Electrical Engineering. Its main goal is to give quality research papers. It provides platform to publish the research works of academicians, students and professionals. It publishes only original, unpublished and not submitted to any other journal research papers and review papers.
The main focus of the Journal is issues of optimization of power supply systems, security and effectiveness of transmission lines and equipments. The journal comprises articles on the topical issues of technical and economical aspects of power industry and alternative energy.
The journal covers the following themes:
- Power System Control, Automation, Stability and Protection;
- Power Quality and Reliability;
- Power Plants, Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems;
- Power System Planning, Management and Economic Evaluation;
- Power System Risk Assessment and Management;
- Electricity Market;
- Smart Grid Technologies.
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Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation
Discontinued publication in 2018.
The lasting international series "Boundary Field Problems and Computers", issued by RTU since 1966. The journal may be of importance to specialists and students interested in computer simulation of various environmental phenomena formulated as boundary field problems.
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Technologies of Computer Control
Discontinued publication in 2015.
"Technologies of Computer Control” is a peer reviewed international journal published by the Institute of Computer Control, Automation and Computer Engineering of Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology of Riga Technical University (RTU).
The journal covers the following themes:
1. Computer control systems. It includes digital control (CNC, DNC); computer-aided design (CAD);
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM); computer-aided control (CAC); Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC); logic devices (PLM, PLD); gearing digital control; computer control in transport, agriculture, economics, biology, medicine, diagnostics, system recovery etc.
2. Computer networks, distributed computer control system and service. It includes computer networks and services, media, internet, voice and image recognition systems, wireless networks, sensor networks.
3. Computer graphics and image processing. It includes 2D and 3D computer graphics techniques and algorithms, pattern recognition methods, recognition neural networks, image processing techniques, scene analysis, computer vision, use of computer graphics and image processing in various industries.
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Safety of Technogenic Environment
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Construction Science
Discontinued publication in 2017.
The Journal aims at publishing results of research concerning topical issues in development of advanced materials, constructions and technologies, recycled product application, ecological ("green") and energy efficient materials in civil engineering.
It provides information on recent research in various branches of civil engineering carried out by researchers at Riga Technical University and in collaboration with partners abroad. The journal covers the following sectors of Construction science:
- Building Materials and Building Technology;
- Building Mechanics;
- Building Constructions;
- Heat, Gas and Water Engineering Systems;
- Composite Materials in Civil Engineering.
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Materials Science and Applied Chemistry
Discontinued publication in 2018.
Materials Science and Applied Chemistry is a single blind peer reviewed journal. Journal covers research in different branches of chemistry and chemical technology, biotechnology, materials science, physics and biomechanics.
Editor-in-Chief |
Valdis Kokars, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Advisory Editor |
Mārcis Dzenis, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Editorial Board |
Valdis Kampars, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Amir Fahmi, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
Māris Turks, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Dean Markoviæ, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia |
Līga Bērziņa-Cimdiņa, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Andrés Ozols, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Gundars Mežinskis, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Māris Knite, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Jānis Zicāns, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
Virginija Jankauskaite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania |
Andres Krumme, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Managing Editors |
Agnese Stunda-Zujeva, Riga Technical University, Latvia |
ABSTRACTED & INDEXED: Baidu Scholar, Cabell’s Directory, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) - CAplus, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) - SciFinder, CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), CNPIEC, Dimensions, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO (relevant databases), EBSCO Discovery Service, Engineering Village, Google Scholar, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), J-Gate, JournalGuide, JournalTOCs, KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders), Microsoft Academic, Naviga (Softweco), Paperbase, Pirabase, Polymer Library, Primo Central (ExLibris), ProQuest (relevant databases), Publons, ReadCube, Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest), TDNet, TEMA Technik und Management, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/Ulrich web, WanFang Data, WorldCat (OCLC).
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Materials Science. Textile and Clothing Technology
Discontinued publication in 2016.
The journal comprises publications by RTU researchers and doctoral students as well as by researchers from different institutions in Latvia and abroad.
The aim of the journal is to publish results of research concerning topical issues in the field of textile materials technologies and design. It provides information about the research carried out at Riga Technical University, results of collaborative research with institutions in Latvia as well as the achievements of the researchers in other European countries.
The journal covers the following themes:
- Investigation and treatment of such renewable resources as hemp stalks and flax
- Application of flax and hemp fibers in construction and furniture industry
- Development of advanced textile materials,
- Development of knitted conductive textiles and materials and methods used in their production
- Researching properties of textiles and their application in medicine, veterinary, garment manufacturing construction.
- Wearable bio-monitoring systems and smart textiles for healthcare
- Methods of design in garment production
- Specific features of design of national costumes
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EUNIS 2013 Congress Proceedings
This issue includes papers presented in the 19th EUNIS congress "ICT role for Next Generation Universities". All included papers were reviewed by EUNIS 2013 Program Committee.
ISBN 978-9934-10-433-6 - online
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Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference "Advanced HVAC and Natural Gas Technologies"
Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the REHVA Annual Meeting and the Conference on Advanced HVAC and Natural Gas Technologies which takes place this spring in one of the Baltic States – Riga, Latvia on May 6–9, 2015.
This year, Latvia, for the first time, is assuming the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and I am very honored to meet the leading international scientific and engineering colleagues and friends in the field of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) during this historical moment.
“We welcome you to Riga - the place where knowledge sharing and experience inspires for new cooperation and further industry development.”
These proceedings include 38 scientific papers from 16 countries. Presented studies cover such topical subjects as energy efficient buildings, indoor climate, safe and sustainable energy supply and production. All papers have high scientific quality as well practical industrial application.
I would like to thank the authors for their valuable contribution to the proceedings of “Advanced HVAC and Natural Gas Technologies”.
Professor Egils Dzelzitis
President of Organizing Committee in Riga
Fellow REHVA, Fellow ASHRAE and REHVA Vice-President
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Business and System Conference BSC 2013
2nd International Business and System Conference (BSC 2013) was held in November 2013 in Riga, Latvia in conjunction with the 6th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM 2013). BSC 2013 is a continuation of the international conference organized in 2010 under the title „Hand in Hand with Business Analysis”.
The conference addressed Business Analysis from the Systems Thinking perspective. Business analysts appear in different roles working in both business and technology areas. They are known as business analysts, system analysts, consultants as well as project managers. Business analysis helps to understand real business needs and develops successful solutions. All these roles are involved in business analysis processes of different types of systems. Therefore this conference was dedicated for making ground for experience exchange among researchers and practitioners involved in various roles concerning business analysis. It aimed at assembling local and world experience on systems approaches for business support and improvement.
The organization of BSC2013 owes special thanks to the members of the International Program Committee for providing valuable reviews for the submitted papers. Furthermore, we are grateful to all authors who submitted papers and speech proposals to the conference. We acknowledge tool vendors and organizers of the PoEM 2013 for possibility to participate in engaging events and sessions. Special thanks go to IIBA Latvia Chapter and Riga Technical University for organization of the BSC 2013 conference.
November 2013
Marite Kirikova
Gundega Lazdane
Janis Grabis
Ksenija Lace
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The International Scientific Conference „Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies"
Proceedings of the International Conference
„Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies”
Organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the framework of Riga Technical University 54th International Scientific Conference
Riga, November 8, 2013
Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
of Riga Technical University.
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